Code of Conduct of GmbH
SOLIT Management GmbH is committed to its social, ecological and economic responsibility. Within the scope of its national and international business activities, the company actively respects, supports and promotes humanitarian working conditions, social progress, environmental compatibility of the production processes of the products offered, health protection, transparency and open communication.
This Code of Conduct is a voluntary commitment of SOLIT Management GmbH. The company thereby commits itself to ensuring that the values and principles codified here are followed in a sustainable manner. We support the United Nations and the International Labor Organization in their efforts to promote socially responsible corporate governance.
Scope of application
This Code of Conduct applies to SOLIT Management GmbH. It undertakes to promote compliance with the Code among its suppliers and also among its customers within the scope of its possibilities.
Basic principles of business ethics
The Company bases its economic and social activities on generally accepted ethical and humanitarian principles. Its activities and those of its trading partners, as well as their products, contribute to prosperity, while at the same time avoiding adverse effects on future generations wherever possible, or at least keeping them to an absolute minimum. This requires the unconditional observance of fundamental human rights and the unconditional respect for cultures or customs with regard to employees, but also with regard to all those who are affected by the activities of the precious metals industry.
1. Forced labor, child labor and exploitation
We outlaw forced labor, child labor or any other form of exploitation and contempt for human life. We are committed to the promotion of human rights.
2. Discrimination
We do not tolerate discrimination under any circumstances, e.g. on the basis of race, gender, ethnic or social origin, religion, age, disabilities or sexual orientation. The company is committed to protecting its employees from physical, psychological, sexual or verbal harassment and to punishing such incidents.
3. Freedom of Expression
The right to freedom of expression is protected.
Compliance - conformity with existing laws
SOLIT Management GmbH undertakes to comply with general laws and regulations as well as special laws to protect fair competition and to support their further development.
1. VAT fraud
Precious metals, due to their high value, constantly provide a target point for VAT fraud when delivering recycled material to us as traders as well as to the precious metal refineries. The Company is particularly committed to compliance with current sales tax laws and to assisting the authorities in combating sales tax fraud.
2. Money Laundering Prevention
We take appropriate due diligence measures to prevent money laundering activities in connection with our precious metal transactions in advance. The authorities are supported in their efforts to prevent money laundering.
3. Corruption
We take appropriate precautions to prevent bribery and the acceptance of benefits.
4. Conflict MineralsWetake appropriate measures within our means to prevent financing of terrorist activities in connection with precious metals transactions. We also require this of our trading partners. This includes supporting international efforts to gain clarity on the sourcing and origin of minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries. The aim is to prevent minerals mined there and their export from supporting terrorism and military conflicts in these countries.
We are convinced that the combination of economic, ecological and social goals leads to a sustainable increase in the value of the company. For this reason, we aim to continuously improve our sustainability performance.
Even though we are not ourselves producers of the merchandise we offer, we exert a positive influence on our business partners, such as producers, with regard to compliance with sustainability principles:
1. Resources
It is only through regular innovation that production processes can be brought up to the state of the art and, as a result, environmental impact can be kept as low as possible. Natural resources are used as efficiently as possible through a sufficient amount of research and development, as well as a special focus on the recovery of precious metals from scrap materials.
2. Environmental & Health Protection
All environmental as well as health regulations are strictly followed at all times. The protection of the health of our employees as well as the employees of our business partners enjoys top priority.
3. Transparency
We attach great importance to transparency with regard to our own actions and expect the same from our cooperation partners.
To achieve these goals offers exclusively Gold Guidance.