cfsi conflict free sourcing initiative: Konfliktfreie Goldbarren
cfsi conflict free sourcing initiative
The cfsi (conflict free sourcing initiative), which was launched by the international electrical industry, recognizes companies that use only conflict-freegold for their production. In this way, investors and customers can see at a glance which companies support international efforts to produce conflict-free precious metals and select them specifically.
The cfsi initiative at a glance
Gold is still mined under extreme conditions in many parts of the world. Not only are local miners exploited and in some cases even child labor is tolerated, but in many cases environmentally harmful mercury is used to obtain the coveted precious metal . Finally, mineral resources, especially in African countries, are repeatedly used to finance civil wars and even terrorist conflicts. With international support, the aim is now to ensure that this gold is avoided as far as possible in order to deprive terrorist organizations of their source of financing. In the USA, a corresponding law has already been in place since 2010, according to which listed companies must inform the US Securities and Exchange Commission whether they source gold from conflict states such as Sudan, Uganda, Congo or Zambia. With the cfsi initiative, companies from Germany can now also prove that they are aware of their social responsibility and reject conflict gold.
The origin of the gold must be clearly traceable
In order to be able to prove that the precious metals used are indeed conflict-free gold, the origin of the minerals must be clearly proven. This includes ensuring that the supply chain is secure and can be transparently traced. The renunciation of primary gold, which is extracted directly from the world's gold mines, is also part of the voluntary commitment. Here, human rights violations and massive environmental pollution occur time and again, which can be ruled out in this way. As an alternative, the companies resort to recycled scrap gold, which also meets the standards and can be guaranteed to be conflict-free.
These are the standards that cfsi-certified companies adhere to:
- Use only conflict-free gold
- No acceptance of primary gold from gold mines
- No sourcing of gold from conflict countries
- Proof of a transparent supply chain
- Extensive education and training of employees
German companies are also already certified
C Hafner, based in Pforzheim, Germany, was one of the first companies in Europe to secure the coveted certification. As a conflict-free gold processor, the company uses only conflict-free gold for all products it manufactures, supporting international efforts to combat human rights abuses, child labor and terrorism. Customers of Gold- und Silberanstalt can thus assume that all manufactured products also comply with modern guidelines and that an investment in gold coins is harmless.
Back to overview: Environmentally friendly gold
Alternatives to cfsi standards:
RJC (Responsible Jewellery Council)
LBMA Responsible Gold Guidance
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